​​​​Southern Kettle Moraine Horse Trails Association

Passes & Vehicle Stickers

Trail Passes & State Park Sticker

Trail passes are required for all riders over the age of 16.
If you would like to support the new equestrian campground at Governor Dodge State Park you can buy your pass(es) through Friends of GD Equestrians. $5 of the $25 will go directly to their campground! (Click the image to the right to be taken to their online store) Trail passes can also be purchased through the DNR.

Parking passes are required for all vehicles. 
Daily or annual passes may be purchased online, at the DNR Headquarters, or payment envelopes are found at each trailhead. 
The park rangers do check, so be sure you purchase your pass and support the State Forest system!


Fall/Winter note
Water sources are turned off during cold temperatures, check with the DNR if you are unsure. 

Hunting is allowed in the State Forest, riders should be aware of open seasons and dress in Hi-Vis. 

​ATV's are not allowed on the trails at any time, however the bridle trails are part of the local snowmobile trail system and once snow falls, many sleds are out. The trails are open to horses year round, but use your best judgment when it comes to riding conditions, hunters and snowmobile encounters. 

Trail Information Line

Ottawa Lake Campground 

The KM State Forest has ongoing understory removal and logging operations. (This does not always impact the horse trails). The contractor is responsible for keeping the trial clear: 
"All slash shall be lopped and/or scattered to lie within three feet of the ground; slash must also be removed from all public access trails and roads. Slash shall be removed from trails so that it does not lie on OR protrude into the trail zone. Slash that may fall in these areas must be removed immediately. This is to be done concurrent with the cutting operation" 
" Excessive rutting (6") or any other damage caused by the harvesting operations must be repaired in a timely manner to the satisfaction of the Forest Superintendent."

Please inform Michael Sieger, at (262) 594-6209, or at michael.sieger@wisconsin.gov if this is not being done.

​Per DNR Feb 2023: Areas that are going to be thinned or mowed in the next couple of years include the area east of Hwy 67 between Wilton Rd and Hwy ZZ (this should focus on the pine stands vs. hardwood areas); and the area between McMiller to Hwy S.

Additional Information

The volume of trail available to ride in the South Kettle means you'll encounter various types of terrain on your ride. In general you'll find: sand, dirt, grass, rocks, and gravel. 

The Ottawa bridle trails are a little on the rocky side, but mostly softer ground. Shoes are not necessary to ride these trails, but a tender footed horse may find themselves picking their way through some sections, and shoes or protective boots may be a good preventative option.

The trails at Eagle are beautiful and sandy, with few rocks.

The Palmyra trails have some rather rocky sections due to erosion, so shoes or boots are a good option. Check with other riders for suggestions on which trails to avoid if you do not have hoof protection for your horse and are concerned with trail conditions. Often the trails headed in the direction of the Eagle trailhead are less rocky than other trails heading out of the camp.

trail map

For Current Conditions: 262-594-6202 

To Report a Down Tree or other issue: 262-594-6220 

Trail Information