​​​​Southern Kettle Moraine Horse Trails Association

Web updates:
Amy Janecek


Bridgette Bender
Contact: bdortch83@gmail.com

Duties: The Treasurer shall have custody of the funds of the Association, shall maintain all financial records of the Association, and present at each Board meeting a written report of the financial status of the Association. The Treasurer shall keep a current membership list.

Vice President
Gale Sohns
Contact: 262gale@gmail.com

Duties: The Vice President shall conduct the duties of the President in the President’s absence.

Board Members

Member at Large
Position vacant - email skmhtanews@gmail.com if interested!

Duties: The Member at Large shall serve as the contact person with other horse groups, clubs, associations, etc. and generally handle all matters associated with these groups, as well as perform duties as may be requested from time to time by the Board of Directors or the membership.

Trail Coordinator
Position currently vacant - email skmhtanews@gmail.com if interested!

Duties: The Trail Coordinator shall provide leadership in planning the work projects of the Association, shall be the contact person with the Southern Kettle Moraine staff, and shall generally handle all matters with the DNR.

Fundraising Coordinator
Barb Linneman

Contact: sassybarber@yahoo.com

Duties: The Fundraising Coordinator shall provide leadership in planning the club’s fundraising activities, including, but not limited to, research, planning, and execution of such activities.

Amy Janecek
Contact: janecekamy@gmail.com 

Duties: The Secretary shall maintain all records of the Association and shall prepare minutes of all meetings of the Board and membership. The secretary shall also distribute meeting announcements and minutes to the SKMHTA webmaster.

Devan Lewer
Contact: Dlewer10@gmail.com

​Duties: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and members and shall generally manage the day-to-day matters of the Association.